Friday, 27 August 2010

⦁⦁⦁⦁ ⨇⨇⨇▲▲⋚⋚⋮⋮⋮⋛⋛▲▲⨇⨇⨇ ⦁⦁⦁⦁

Caian los pedazos, se me salian por las orejas, la nariz..seguro hasta los llore un poco.Todo hecho una melcocha, como caucho caliente... por dentro el alma se escurria por entre ligamentos, me chorreaba por las costillas... Aun asi me sentia seca, como evaporada. Talvez si tomo agua? Talvez envasar el espiritu.


There were pieces everywhere. They came out of my ears, my nose.. I might have cried them a little. All melted together, like hot rubber. Inside, my soul leaked through the ligaments, soaking my ribs…Even so I felt dry, like evaporated. Maybe if I drink water? Maybe bottle the spirit.

Saturday, 21 August 2010


Ye pe dir comon se qui ye panse a tua. Combian de fua ton pre non a ete partut. Ye pe dir que ye te non, parsque il y a bocup des shoshes, bocup des sentiments que mua, ye ne compran pa. Et tua? Bon, ye crua que tu es le plus anteresan moman du ma vi. Me ye ne e pa vocabiuler, pa du mo.. pur dir comon ye me san... Ui, ye crua que ye dua te ublier.

Monday, 16 August 2010

I wouldn't call it love.

I had forgotten about his loud intake of life, his soft sign of manhood.
I had forgotten I did once felt enourmous in his sight... it quick faded.
I don't think love has a definition, maybe we all know that deep down. But the world had day or night only when he was around.
I thought I had grown out of him and had forgotten that actually I miss him.

Sunday, 15 August 2010




Mi cabeza, esta llena de humo blanco que se mete en los rincones y me sale hasta por el pecho. Ni siquera se si valen esas lagrimas…pero lo que pasa es que son de hierro pesado, ese hierro pesado que desborda los ojos por inercia.

Monday, 9 August 2010


Justo como previsto la cosa no iba por buen camino. A veces uno se hace el sordo pero sabe que tuvo la razon desde el principio. Al final hasta me dolia el pecho, como si se en ves de pulmones tuviera un cipres ardiendo. Es dificl estar en este mundo con un cerebro hecho de bodoquitos y un corazon lleno de golondrinas.
Sea lo que sea lo que hay que hacer, la tripa no me va avisar a tiempo.

Sunday, 8 August 2010


The words just fell out of mouth as if dragged by gravity. I spilled them everywhere, on the floor, on my clothes, my hair... Tried to pick them up, but they are so light the wind blew them away. Too late. I did say I was sorry. The only relief I can get from this is that my head feels less heavy now. Even though the words ruined my t-shirt. That's ok though, I don't mind my own gunk.