Tuesday, 26 October 2010
This I made for a project a while ago now. Just thought I'd put it up. We had to define creativity and it took so much longer than what we expected.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
SUN dai
I feel sick, like my stomach is synchronised with my heartbeats. Is as if my soul has been scooped out from my body again and this shell just floats around. I dont know. Nicotine rushes into my brain with every drag and wakes me up a little bit more, while the night wind whispers sweet things in my ear while it smokes my cigarette away. Today was Sunday and I feel like a 100 years older and 21 years more ignorant.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
(Del lat. carpus, y este del gr. καρπός).
1. m. Anat. Conjunto de huesos que, en número variable, forman parte del esqueleto de las extremidades anteriores de los batracios, reptiles y mamíferos, y que por un lado está articulado con el cúbito y el radio y por otro con los huesos metacarpianos. En el hombre constituye el esqueleto de la muñeca y está compuesto de ocho huesos íntimamente unidos y dispuestos en dos filas.
Inconsciente, dejo que me arrebate la paz de la noche, sediendole mis huesos para componer la melodia de las teclas hasta el siguiente punto y coma. Medio segundo que me permite darme cuenta de que no siento mis dedos. Punto y seguido. Ya para entonces mis dedos van en automatico, las llemas ciegas, casi anesteciadas, son llevadas por un poder supremo mas alla del tunel carpiano. El ciclo re inicia, nuevo bloque de oraciones, nucleos de palabras que el teclado vomita. Mayusculas imponentes, encabezado el funeral de las otras hasta que llega el inevitable fin. Punto y final.
Unconsciously, I let it take the peace out of my nights, giving it my bones to compose melodies with the tapping of the keys until the next semicolon. That half second allows me to realise that I cant feel my fingers. Full stop. By then they are in auto pilot and my blind and numb finger-tips are taken across the surfaces by a supreme power that rules beyond the carpal tunnel. The cycle starts again. New blocks of sentences, clusters of words that the keyboard vomits. Imposing Capital Letters are ahead of this funeral procession which leads to the inevitable end. Full stop.
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