Monday, 8 November 2010
Reminds me of that sweet presence, that comforts deep inside like a warm kiss. Like the memories of that summer that you never lived yet it feels so real, so nostalgic.
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Mi pecho es hondo, profundo. Cada suspiro se sale por los huecos que dejó lo que me carcomió el Corazón. La vida me tapa la boca con sus lujos inesperados y a la vez, como pago, me arrebata lo que me quedaba de espíritu. Talvez es la edad asentandose o mas bien escurriendoseme por los ojos. Talvez es el pecho, que alguna vez vacío, se llena de toxinas adictivas, de esas toxinas que caramelizan la sangre. Mi infusion venia con alcohol, tabaco seco, un poco de risa y muchas ideas voladas, ideas de jupa floja. Yo creo que ya sé como remendarla, pero él se me llevo el desatornillador.
Monday, 1 November 2010
The other day I was trying to describe to my friend how I felt. I told her it was as if my life had been kept in glass and suddenly I was giving it to keep in my hands, and I was struggling with it, trying not to drop any of it, to waste it. I just thought it was actually a very accurate metaphor to describe how I felt. Non reader, dont read.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Sunday, 17 October 2010
SUN dai
I feel sick, like my stomach is synchronised with my heartbeats. Is as if my soul has been scooped out from my body again and this shell just floats around. I dont know. Nicotine rushes into my brain with every drag and wakes me up a little bit more, while the night wind whispers sweet things in my ear while it smokes my cigarette away. Today was Sunday and I feel like a 100 years older and 21 years more ignorant.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
(Del lat. carpus, y este del gr. καρπός).
1. m. Anat. Conjunto de huesos que, en número variable, forman parte del esqueleto de las extremidades anteriores de los batracios, reptiles y mamíferos, y que por un lado está articulado con el cúbito y el radio y por otro con los huesos metacarpianos. En el hombre constituye el esqueleto de la muñeca y está compuesto de ocho huesos íntimamente unidos y dispuestos en dos filas.
Inconsciente, dejo que me arrebate la paz de la noche, sediendole mis huesos para componer la melodia de las teclas hasta el siguiente punto y coma. Medio segundo que me permite darme cuenta de que no siento mis dedos. Punto y seguido. Ya para entonces mis dedos van en automatico, las llemas ciegas, casi anesteciadas, son llevadas por un poder supremo mas alla del tunel carpiano. El ciclo re inicia, nuevo bloque de oraciones, nucleos de palabras que el teclado vomita. Mayusculas imponentes, encabezado el funeral de las otras hasta que llega el inevitable fin. Punto y final.
Unconsciously, I let it take the peace out of my nights, giving it my bones to compose melodies with the tapping of the keys until the next semicolon. That half second allows me to realise that I cant feel my fingers. Full stop. By then they are in auto pilot and my blind and numb finger-tips are taken across the surfaces by a supreme power that rules beyond the carpal tunnel. The cycle starts again. New blocks of sentences, clusters of words that the keyboard vomits. Imposing Capital Letters are ahead of this funeral procession which leads to the inevitable end. Full stop.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Friday, 27 August 2010
⦁⦁⦁⦁ ⨇⨇⨇▲▲⋚⋚⋮⋮⋮⋛⋛▲▲⨇⨇⨇ ⦁⦁⦁⦁
Caian los pedazos, se me salian por las orejas, la nariz..seguro hasta los llore un poco.Todo hecho una melcocha, como caucho caliente... por dentro el alma se escurria por entre ligamentos, me chorreaba por las costillas... Aun asi me sentia seca, como evaporada. Talvez si tomo agua? Talvez envasar el espiritu.
There were pieces everywhere. They came out of my ears, my nose.. I might have cried them a little. All melted together, like hot rubber. Inside, my soul leaked through the ligaments, soaking my ribs…Even so I felt dry, like evaporated. Maybe if I drink water? Maybe bottle the spirit.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Ye pe dir comon se qui ye panse a tua. Combian de fua ton pre non a ete partut. Ye pe dir que ye te non, parsque il y a bocup des shoshes, bocup des sentiments que mua, ye ne compran pa. Et tua? Bon, ye crua que tu es le plus anteresan moman du ma vi. Me ye ne e pa vocabiuler, pa du mo.. pur dir comon ye me san... Ui, ye crua que ye dua te ublier.
Monday, 16 August 2010
I wouldn't call it love.
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Monday, 9 August 2010
Justo como previsto la cosa no iba por buen camino. A veces uno se hace el sordo pero sabe que tuvo la razon desde el principio. Al final hasta me dolia el pecho, como si se en ves de pulmones tuviera un cipres ardiendo. Es dificl estar en este mundo con un cerebro hecho de bodoquitos y un corazon lleno de golondrinas.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Monday, 19 July 2010
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Saturday, 17 July 2010
4:43 am
Friday, 16 July 2010
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Is it even worth it? I’ve searched the infinite space for him, but his name is just as ambiguous as his face. I was left with the memory of a random stranger that left me wondering. With the ghosts of his conversation lingering my ears I'll remember him with the remains of his music and my little taste. I rather fool myself and blame it all on destiny. Yes, ‘everything happens for a reason’: BS. //▼♥▼//
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Sunday, 13 June 2010
Dolphins into the future.
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Thursday, 3 June 2010
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Thursday, 20 May 2010
(II ∆ II)
Arrebatado se estrella contra la jaula de marfil. No se como pararlo y la verdad es que asi es como me gusta que este. Aveces lo inundo de nubes y se pone contento, aunque hay veces que las nubes se vuelven una neblina espesa y entonces le duele correr. Hay dias en los que parece que se sostiene solo, como que dentro hubiera un campo antigravitacional , y entonces no es mio, flota como una entidad en si mismo. Tampoco se que tan duro o que tan suave es, porque aveces se siente como de hierro, pesado y lento y aveces es tan ligero que mas bien se me escapa por el lagrimal. Este me lo dieron, la verdad yo no lo habia pedido, ni tampoco crei que lo necesitara, pero las cosas regaladas no se niegan. Esto mismo hace que sea un problema, porque no venia con instrucciones de como armarlo o manternerlo sano. Pasa metido en un liquido azul, el que traia con el. Parece que eso es lo que lo mantiene vivo, yo no se. La verdad es que si pudiera lo devuelvo pero ya el tiempo me ha hecho tenerle cariño.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Friday, 16 April 2010
Actually a little angry
Those words were like having her soul taken out. It was being inhaled in with the smoke, the cold, the toxins coming from his drink, the music and the laughter in the background. It felt as if the skin on her chest was just air, like clouds, it looked firm enough, but his words would go in like sharp knives and she would feel inside, her heart bleeding away. In an inverted cycle, all this wrung a grin on her face and on the inside, tears poured down her eye sockets. It was kind of a usual feeling, not that she liked it though… life had a funny way of bringing love her way. Never really knew how to deal with it… and yet, his mere presence would make her the happiest person to be around. It was in vain though, and she knew it…the memories of what they once shared felt like smoke, they were there, but so intangible it was actually scary. Maybe she was loosing her mind, well she hoped that was it, but sadly she was far too hale. Pull a cigarette out, burn yourself to ashes and then acknowledge where you are. Make it late enough so it’ll even burn to think about it. How very convenient.